Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today i had math period 1, dispite my tummy hurting for 2 days i still went to class, i was thinking of leaving after math when the teacher told me to see him at lunch, he said it was best i see him at lunch, so i had a glimpse of hope that he had finally let me into 4U under a contract. I called my dad to tell him not to call the school, but only an hour later, my teacher comes to find me in period two.

He said that there are 10 other people with higher marks then me and only aorund 4 spaces free, if he was to let me to ext 2 then what are the other students going to say, at that time i was too shocked and out of it to say anything, But you kno what? he was probaly bullshitting, and i don't care if im wrong but i just wanna rant about it.
Yes there are 10 other people above me with better marks, but do they want to do ext 2? also last time i heard there was only about 15 doing ext 2 so how did the extra 5 come about? -______- , he knew that the only way he can deny me from doing ext 2 is saying that there isn't enough space in the class. Then this idea came up, the only reason he claims that isn't allowing me to do ext 2, is that there's not enough spaces, what if i was to do it outside of school, and just sit in for the assesments, like do it at tutor or something. But then i realised he's probaly not going to let me, cos you need a certain amount of hours for each course, so right now i have no hope. If it makes you any happier, im not crying :) yes im sad about it and i really want to do it, but really there isn't hope, so im just gonna do WELL in ext 1 so i can kick his ass and be like in fking face, mind the language.
Really theres nothing i can do >_>


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