but i've been pretty grumpy lately probaly abit from the weather too. Sigh im so fed up with everything right now ><;; and i get pissed easily lol so its bestyou don't piss me off x) gah this stupid weather is like OMG! so frkn hot! >=|
and im going camp on monday...yeh to some farm for THREE days in this HOOOOT weather ...gahh! and ill probaly have to take my homework there so i don't miss out.
according to the math teacher, the three days which ill be away, we're going to go through ALL of integration in like what?...3 lessons? -_________- he probaly meant basics, but knowing him who gives out a shit load of homework, ill have heaps to catch up on. SIGH!
anywayz thats whats happening in my life so far, nothing worth talking about lol
gdnites ♥